Published on 8/20/2024
How Can Caregivers Protect Their Health While Caring for Others?
Build a team of support around you. Include family, friends, neighbors, faith community members and paid professionals. It takes a team effort. It is highly likely many of them are going through a similar situation, but reluctant to discuss it.
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I recently learned of a very help resource for caregivers. The VA has a Self-Care Assessment and Daily Attention Diary. The assessment provides you with a list of signs and symptoms of stress, and you select the items that are applicable to you. There's also a list of stress relief activities that you can engage in to relieve stress, and you select the items that are applicable to you. As you read through the list of activities, you'll get ideas for things that you can try that you might not be currently implementing. The assessment is available here - The webpage for the VA Caregiver Support is available here -