Published on 4/16/2024
How Can I Find Time for Self-Care While Being a Caregiver?
Sandwich club AI
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debbrakairah L.
You need to discuss this with whom ever you are walking with as a child care giver.. tell them you needed time to take care of yourself. And your self care should be your priority
Constance S. • Mom of 2 in San Francisco
I find scheduling things in advance to be really helpful since I'm much more likely to do things that way, whether it's seeing a friend or going to a yoga class. I will put it on the calendar and then figure out how care responsibilities fit around that.
Laurie W.
I try to plan something fun to do every day, even if it was watching part of a funny tv show before going to bed, or reading a good book for 15+ minutes -- this helps me feel like I'm still making myself a priority. And something that has helped is reframing the situation -- early on, I heard someone say, "rather than saying I HAVE to do this, reframe it as I GET to do this," and that really helps me feel less burdened by responsibility and allows me to appreciate the opportunity to continue to make a difference in my parents' lives every day.
Patrice M. • classic sandwicher, mom of 2 gals
I love the point that self care can be anything that makes you feel good - it doesn't have to look like meditation or yoga. Maybe it's listening to a favorite song, taking a walk or calling a good friend.
Lisa .
I agree with this, once I started making my self-care a priority up there with everything else I had to do, I felt better about all I had to do.