Published on 9/4/2024
How Do Different Generations Approach Caregiving?
Sandwich club AI
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Kelley M.
I am an older Gen X with no children or nephew or nieces, so it is just mostly my mom, which can both be physically and mentally exhausting in itself because of her dementia. I just mostly split the chores with my brother, who is a younger Boomer (generation Jones?) whenever he is off from his work
Peggie L.
Thx, Patrice. I actually wrote that abd the AI incorporated it into itself!!! Weird and a possible flaw. I had asked if their AI does this before because i saw my own phraseology in something it wrote. If we can let them know somehow. Overall, i found this site useful and reading other people's comments has been helpful and less isolating. Blessings and thx!
Patrice M. • classic sandwicher, mom of 2 gals
This came up in similar question about generational difference in parenting too -